Welcome to Deez Nodez

Good to know: All details in this document are to be considered ‘informational’ in nature and are in no way to be construed as Financial Advice. With any investment, it’s wise to keep the following rules at heart:

• Never invest more than you are comfortable with

• Do Your Own Research (DYOR)

• Make an investment plan to manage your risks


DAAS or DeFi As A Service is defined as paying someone or a project to invest your capitol in high yielding or high APR earning protocols.

  • Investing in decentralized finance projects could be complicated for average investors. The process of moving your investment capital into farms and different kind of protocols could be tedious and overwhelming.

  • DAAS makes it easy for everyday people to invest in DeFi ecosystems without needing to know how to perform vigorous steps and taking deep drives into projects.

Deez Nodez

Deez Nodez project is a hybrid-style passive income Dapp and DAO combined to where the ecosystem provides the users with daily rewards in $DN tokens from the protocol owned liquidity reward pool as well as other DeFi applications.

Also since this is a community-driven project, the use of the DAO will be subjected to the consensus of the community by vote.

Last updated